Friday, October 29, 2010

the realization

 I finally understand why they so highly of Beowulf. I beleived to be nothing more than a fairy tale, but what they had predicted has come to pass. Its quite that I am okay with this fact. Even though I may never be as great a hero as Beowulf, but Beowulf was not always doing for the right reasons. It is true that the cause was true, but the reason would many people. It truely is dark. He started off being calm and trusting in fate, but when it came down to him or his opponent he chose the power of the wicked over the righteous. I pray that Beowulf can find peace where ever he is and I am glad to know that in the end my sword, hrunting, could be of some assistance no matter how small it may have been. That dragon must have pretty tough though, but Beowulf should cried out for help when he really needed it. His comrades were pitiful though all except Wiglaf who came to Beowulf's aid at his final moments on Earth. Thats why family should always stick together. They after their own and those who need help. They bring out the best in you and help reach new levels that you never knew you even had.

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